
i just wrote a really long post about artists and how i hate them all because every single one i've had a relationship with on any level--friends, lovers, etc...- is a liar. legitimate liar. like, watch me...cause right now....here it comes...LIE. "i don't know whose underwear those are" "my girlfriend has no idea i say that about her, so if you ever meet her..." "my dick is 8" long" "TRUST ME."

just a caveat.

better off with bankers. at least they tell you the truth when they come home from a strip club smelling like strawberries and cream.

and that was the edited down post.

la la la laaaahhh!


Anonymous said...

wait wait wait. when i say the art world is a bunch of losers who are social climbing fucks - you yell at me saying im closed minded. okay i give you that historically - there were some very talented people. but now...some rich jew in england finds someone who likes to suck his dick and then he sells their shit in his company's ad agency and then they are "famous" until they no longer suck dick and then saatchi - the jew - shows his power and says "either blow or go" boo hoo hoo. "famous" artists TODAY are pretty much losers who suck a lot of jew dick.

hungry girl said...

well, i don't know who you are because i wouldn't yell at anyone for saying artists are a bunch of losers who are social climbing fucks. i'd probably high five you under the table.

so, hi stranger.

also, yes. i know the saatchi scheme. shady, but it seemed to have worked for him. so there's know denying he's a genius who got away with murder.

also, i think there's a lot of uncircumcised dick sucking going on...so take it easy on the jew bit.

i'm checking wiki right now to see if saatchi is actually a jew.

ta ta.

hungry girl said...

yes. iraqi jew.

but still, take it easy on the jew. ponzi wasn't a jew.

seriously. do i know you? was is through a comment? what are you doing up at 7:15am on a saturday?

Anonymous said...

who are the only people in the world up really early on weekends other than crack heads!!! the doctos who treat the crack heads! love you bitch. hope your hangover isn't as bad as mine today...someone who was again awake at 7 am.

Anonymous said...

who are the only people in the world up really early on weekends other than crack heads!!! the doctos who treat the crack heads! love you bitch. hope your hangover isn't as bad as mine today...someone who was again awake at 7 am.